Money & Career report 2020
​We analyzed 2,789 survey responses from women just like you!
​Over the years, Clever Girl Finance has supported thousands of savvy women who are boldly pursuing their financial goals. We see their labors of love in building solid futures for themselves and their families. And we know the big role that financial literacy plays in shifting their mindsets and financial outcomes.
We’re committed to walking this journey with women, and in this survey and through our findings, we want to celebrate our community and women broadly, as they work their way towards their financial wellness despite navigating a global pandemic, motivate other women needing encouragement as they embark on their financial journeys and dispel the misconceptions about women and money. We also want to highlight areas of concern that make the work we do more important than ever.

To answer this question in detail, as it relates to women and money in 2020 we looked at the following:
Commitment to financial wellness
Optimism and financial confidence
Financial concerns